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Updated at 14 Mar. 2017

The new short abstract submission deadline is extended to 10 November, 2016.

Short abstract should includes (1) Title, (2) Autor(s) and ​Affiliation(s), (3) body (up to 200 words). Please inform us if you select a poster presentation.







Conference Basic Schedule

Schedule of Call for Papers

Authors of accepted presentations will be notified via e-mail by late of November 2016.

The extended abstract will be published in a conference proceedings. The deadline for the extended abstracts was extended until 17 February 2017. 

Saturday 25 March

  • Welcome party


Sunday 26 March

  • Plenary session

  • Scientific meeting

  • Conference banquet


Monday 27 March

  • Scientific meeting


Tuesday 28- Wednesday 29 March

  • Excursion Kouyasan Temple, Buddhist heritage

  • Farewell party 28 March


Details concerning accommodation, excursion and registration will be distributed later.

8th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology JGM8 25-29 March 2017

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